Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Post Surgery Update

I am so thankful that my surgery is now in the past and that I am writing this update feeling pretty darn good one week out!  I am beyond grateful for all the encouragement and love we have received. Between my birthday and the surgery,  I have been incredibly spoiled with cards, gifts, meals, texts, facebook messages, phone calls... and most importantly, all the prayers that have been said on my behalf! So many people loving on me in their own special ways.  What a blessing every bit of it has been!    

I had such a peace about the surgery, even up to the moment they wheeled me into the operating room.  I could feel God's presence. The surgery itself went very well according to my doctor! He did find some mild endometriosis, which he was able to completely remove. Praise The Lord! Most of it was located between my uterus and abdominal wall, which explained some of the symptoms I had been having.  He also drained several cysts off of both of my ovaries.  One of the cysts on my right ovary was very large.  He felt like the surgery was definitely needed and should increase our chances of getting pregnant!  We are so happy not only to have it over with, but to have some answers as well.  We now know that I did in fact have some endometriosis.  We also know that there is nothing else unusual going on in there.  He did not see any abnormalities in my anatomy or any unusual scar tissue or anything else that might be of concern.  Not only did we get answers, but we also got some things corrected.  The endometriosis tissue that was there has been removed and the cysts on my ovaries have been drained.  Unfortunately, both the endometriosis and the cysts may return at some point.  My doctor says the best way to keep endometriosis at bay is to get pregnant soon.  We are hoping and praying that is God's will! Corey and I are both summer babies and we would love to have a sweet summer baby of our own :) We continue to trust that if part of God's plan involves us being parents, He will bless us with that opportunity at the perfect time.  

The surgery was done outpatient, so I was able to come home and did not have to stay overnight in the hospital. The evening of the surgery I was still pretty loopy from all the drugs they gave me, but I didn't have any pain, so that was a plus!  The next couple of days I experienced a lot more pain, cramping and bloating... but it was manageable with the pain pills.  A whole lot of sleeping occurred in that 3 days span.  By Saturday, I started to feel more alive and each day since then has continually gotten better and better.  My hubby took such great care of me through it all!

Speaking of my hubby, today is our 4 year anniversary!!!!  I am so proud to be married to that man!  I could cry buckets right now just thinking about all the amazingly good and incredibly hard times we have already experienced together. Our marriage is far from perfect, but we continue to learn and to grow with each passing year, by God's grace.  It is such a beautiful thing to be a part of!  I have been thinking today about how I had so many unrealistic expectations coming into this marriage and to be honest, he failed at meeting most of them.  But at the same time,  he somehow ended up exceeding all of them by showing me that this real, genuine, imperfect love we share is so much better than the fairy tale I thought I wanted.  What a great lesson that I really needed to learn.  God is so good! He knew just what I needed in a husband, in a life partner and in a better half.  What a journey it has been already. Thank you Corey Christopher for loving me unconditionally, providing for me, supporting me in my endeavors, helping me grow in my faith and being my rock!  I absolutely love the fun, silly, smart, courageous guy that you are. You make life so much sweeter!  And to think, our love for each other is only a glimpse of God's love for us... amazing!  

"In your eyes I see forever, makes me wish that my life never knew the day before you. Oh, but Heaven knows those years without you were shaping my heart for the that day I found you. If you're the reason for all that I've been through, then I'm thankful for the day before you. Now you're here and everything's changing.  Suddenly life means so much! I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and find out this promise is true. I will never have to go back to the day before you."  Those are a few of the lyrics from the song we chose for our first dance on our wedding day. Still so appropriate and they mean even more now than they did then :)

So, now what?  I'm 30, I'm post surgery and it's my anniversary.  All I can say is "cheers" to a great decade and a new chapter in the story of my life!  I can rest knowing that the Author knows exactly what He is doing.  So far I can't complain... after all, I've never been one for a boring book!  

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