Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What do you do when it is the week of Easter, you are feeling a little down about the sad state of the world you live in ....and you just don't really feel like doing anything that you should be doing? 

You make peep bird nests, of course! Because you just want to share some Easter love. 

I remember making these for friends one time back when we lived in Nebraska & Corey was in dental school. I saw them in a Taste of Home magazine and thought they were adorable! It was probably the Spring of 2011 or 2012. They were a hit then, so I thought I'd make them again this year and then share the fun idea with you here on my blog :) Maybe you are in the mood to procrastinate, too... or maybe you just want to do something that will hopefully bring some smiles to some faces! 

So here is what you need:
A bag of pretzels
A large bag of white baking chips (24 oz.)
Some very small candy eggs of your choice
Peeps (I used 18, which was almost 2 packages)
Plates or trays to serve/deliver them on

Pour the white chocolate chips in a large bowl and melt slowly in the microwave for 45 seconds and then for 15 second intervals as needed. 

Make sure you set aside about 1/4 cup of the chocolate in a small bowl to use later. Then add the pretzels to the chocolate in the big bowl and stir gently. I did not use the whole bag of pretzels. I just kept adding until I felt like they were all covered, but there wasn't a bunch of extra chocolate in the bowl. 

If you look down, you may have a couple pooches hanging around, hoping you'll accidentally drop something! Mocha is excited to have company! My in-laws are out of town so we are keeping their dogs for a few days.  We love Remington and Daly and always enjoy when they come visit!

Next, use some tongs to drop the coated pretzels on wax paper and do your best to form nests out of them. 

Now it is time to add the little birds to their nests! Take the peeps and separate them from each other. Then dip them in the reserved bowl of chocolate and secure one on top of each nest. Do the same with the egg shaped candies. 

Before long, your counter will be looking like this! And you'll probably smile. And hopefully you'll cause whoever you share them with to smile, too! 

Happy Easter to all of our "peeps" out there! 

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