Saturday, January 18, 2014

Today I want to share with you something awesome that happened to me last weekend!! My girlfriend Kellie texted me a few weeks ago to ask if I could get together on Sunday. So when Sunday came, I went over to her house expecting to just hang out and talk with her. I walked in her house and much to my surprise, she and 5 of my other close girlfriends were there. They explained that they were all there to encourage me and love on me.  They told me that they had been praying for me (which I knew, because they often told me), but that they also wanted to do something tangible for me to show their love and support.  They handed me a wrapped gift that I opened to find a beautiful, white baby blanket with my last name embroidered on it, along with a decorative plaque that said “so loved.”  With tears in my eyes, I opened the card and began to read it aloud, but got so choked up that Page read the rest of it for me. 

“Chelsey, you are not alone.  We go daily before God on your behalf. The Lord WILL give you the desires of your heart, and we praise Him in advance.  This blanket is for your baby, the baby God will give you.  We have each taken it home and prayed over it, we prayed in assurance that God will reward you for your faithfulness.  When you are filled with doubt, grab it and hold onto it, for once day you will hold God’s miracle.  Hold it and remember that there are 7 women who cry out to God with you.  You are so strong and an incredible example to so many.  We are all blessed by your friendship, your faith is contagious.  Take this blanket and let it be a constant reminder of God’s sovereignty over your life.  We hope with you, we pray with you—with certainty that God will place a baby in this blanket.  We love you ~ Kellie, Brittany, Bonnie, Britney, Page, Michelle and Danielle.”

Wow...I was speechless!  It was so evident that God had truly blessed me with an amazingly caring, encouraging & prayerful group of friends.  One of my biggest prayers when we moved to Arkansas a few years ago was that He would bring good, solid friends into our life... and this special day was yet another great reminder that He does hear and answer my prayers. These girls met and came to know me when I was at my worst, but they befriended me anyway.  And what they did for me last weekend was one of the most thoughtful things anyone has ever done for me. Not only did they give me a blanket that I will treasure forever, but they also gave me a day on this journey that I will forever be able to look back on and smile about!  That day I got a break from the heartache and was overcome by a feeling of being so loved.  And that is truly priceless.  

"Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ."  Galations 6:2

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