Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I've been loving the sunshine and warmer weather we have been experiencing the past few days, so to get ready for Spring and the sandal weather that I am hoping is right around the corner... I decided to give myself a pedicure this afternoon!  I really do love going to a nail salon to get a pedicure.  I mean chatting with a girlfriend while sipping on an iced latte and letting the massage chair and nail technician pamper you is delightful!  But going once a month or more like I would like to would get expensive and I know my hubby would not approve, so I have been doing most of my own pedicures at home and I'm loving the results.  It is a great way to save some cash and end up with even prettier looking heels!  

Here is my collection of products.  I absolutely love the 'be natural' brand callus eliminator and dry heel eliminator.  Those are must-haves!  But I am sure any scrub or foot file would work just fine.

I begin by sitting on the edge of my tub and soaking my feet in warm water.  Sometimes I will put sea salts in the water, but not always. Then I dry off my feet and scrub them with the foot scrub and my hands.  I then rinse and dry them again. 

Now it's time for the callus eliminator!  Originally, I had a hard time figuring out how to keep it on my heels for 5 minutes without dripping off, so I decided to cut a snack baggie and use that to hold the gel in place. It actually works quite well!  Just squirt the callus eliminator in the corner of the bag, stick your foot in and rub it around to cover the whole heel.  Then wait 5 minutes and rinse.  Then use the foot file to buff the heels and remove any dry skin.  

Lastly, I lather on the dry heel eliminator lotion and put on these gel socks.  I leave them on for a couple of hours or overnight.  I'm always amazed how good my heels look when I take them off!  Bring on the sandals!  Now if only I could figure out how to paint my toenails without getting more paint on the skin around the nail than on the nail itself.  Haven't quite perfected that side of the pedicure yet.  We'll save that for another day!

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